MacOS stock wallpaper light


Congress Tweets Sentiment Analysis

Analyzing Tweet Sentiment Using Snowflake and Hex

Analyzed and visualized congressional tweet data on a Hex app using SQL and Python. We demonstrate how to use pandas, parquet, and Snowflake for highly optimized data storage and retrieval.

pythonsqlpandassnowflakeparquethexdata viz

AndrewGPT and NextJS Portfolio

ChatGPT-Style Interface Trained on Resume

Built a NextJS app for hosting portfolio projects and a chat interface for querying an AI model about skills and experience outlined on my resume. Questions are answered by using langchain and vector data storage.

nextjslangchainopenaillmvector datatailwindcss

Spotify Song Analyzer Part 1

Interactive Spotify Downloader

Used the spotdl library to interactively download songs and playlists from Spotify in a Google Colab notebook using Python.

pythonmatplotlibdata vizjupyter notebook

Spotify Song Analyzer Part 2

Analyzing Song Key and BPM

Expanded on Part 1 by using librosa, spleeter, and an implementation of the Krumhansl-Schmuckler algorithm to find the key and BPM of a Spotify song. Explored using machine learning models in analysis to improve performance.

pythonmatplotlibdata vizmljupyter notebook

Web3 NFT eCommerce App

Analyzing Tweet Sentiment Using DuckDB

Created a web3 application using React and NextJS that allows users to connect their ethereum wallet and create physical products from their owned assets. Pulled asset metadata using the OpenSea REST API.

nextjsreactmoralisrest apitailwindcss