Congress Tweets Sentiment Analysis
Analyzing Tweet Sentiment Using Snowflake and Hex
Analyzed and visualized congressional tweet data on a Hex app using SQL and Python. We demonstrate how to use pandas, parquet, and Snowflake for highly optimized data storage and retrieval.
AndrewGPT and NextJS Portfolio
ChatGPT-Style Interface Trained on Resume
Built a NextJS app for hosting portfolio projects and a chat interface for querying an AI model about skills and experience outlined on my resume. Questions are answered by using langchain and vector data storage.
Spotify Song Analyzer Part 1
Interactive Spotify Downloader
Used the spotdl library to interactively download songs and playlists from Spotify in a Google Colab notebook using Python.
Spotify Song Analyzer Part 2
Analyzing Song Key and BPM
Expanded on Part 1 by using librosa, spleeter, and an implementation of the Krumhansl-Schmuckler algorithm to find the key and BPM of a Spotify song. Explored using machine learning models in analysis to improve performance.
Web3 NFT eCommerce App
Analyzing Tweet Sentiment Using DuckDB
Created a web3 application using React and NextJS that allows users to connect their ethereum wallet and create physical products from their owned assets. Pulled asset metadata using the OpenSea REST API.